
streda 31. decembra 2014


Planning New Year's Eve is always a big thing and you have to do it like hell in advance. Otherwise you will have to stay at home, like we used to do, making party in our apartment with all the same "leftovers" :D But this last year was different. Sure, nobody planned anything, however, we somehow split among different group of friends through the Slovakia and Czech republic. I ended up in a small village near Liptovsky Mikulas, Jakubovany, with my party fellows ;) I was really excited about going to the mountains because I somehow aim to avoid traveling in Slovakia, so this was my chance to change it! I absolutely loved it! Since I am getting "older" I feel I like nature, mountains and snow more and more hehe...
We were 12 people in a big cottage house doing standard things like eating, drinking, playing games, chatting, making fun, taking pictures, drinking, playing games, having fun, giving quiz, hiking and....did I mention that we were playing games?? and we cooked very yummy Gulash soup! Very nice time spent, but I need to admit that I missed my hommies a bit '°.°'

If you ever hesitated to go to see Slovak mountains, get some inspiration from pictures below. These are mostly from the area of Ziarska dolina, that is part of TANAP (Tatra national park). I have got some more on instagram as well, so check it out if you do not get enough! Taken by my shitty Samsung and analog SMENA 8M.

well yeah, there is nothing to be proud of, but yes, we did firework in the national park and I had to take a picture of it O:)

nedeľa 28. decembra 2014


Je to neuveriteľné, človek žije v jednom meste 20 rokov a za tú dobu si nenájde čas ísť pozrieť miesto, akým je Kalvária. Podarilo sa mi to až teraz, cez sviatky,  kedy som po dlhej dobe strávila doma viac ako jednu noc. A pritom je to také jednoduché, človek sa tam prejde aj pešo a je odtiaľ krásny výhľad na Nitru. Konečne napadal aj sniežik, tak som sa tešila z prvých zasnežených fotiek tejto zimy. Tešila som sa aj preto, že som niekam vytiahla maminu, ktorá väčšinu voľného času strávi v kuchyni. Fotila som takmer ako vždy  analólogovou Smenou, o ktorej som písala už tu. Pustite si aj pesničku, možno nebude každému pochuti, ale pre mňa silný zážitok z dávnejšieho koncertu sólo projektu Jamieho Stewarta (Xiu Xiu) v Bratislavskej A4.

sobota 27. decembra 2014

Nitrianska Trafačka

Popravde, moc sa mi nechcelo ísť von, ale možnosť stretnúť sa s kamoškou Julkou, ktorá žije vo Viedni, treba vždy využiť. Výber podniku som mala na starosti ja, tak som si povedala, že máme vhodnú príležitosť ísť konečne nakuknúť do Trafačky. Miesto, o ktorom počula už dávnejšie a kam som sa plánovala ísť jedneho dňa pozrieť. Ale prejdem radšej k veci :)
Trafačka je kaviareň, ale hlavne  fotogaléria, ktorej záujmom je prezentovať fotografické umenie a s tým spojené výstavy, workshopy a semináre, takže hneď pri vstupe vás budú zo všetkých strán obklopovať vystavené fotografie, príp. iné umelecké výtvory (viac info na Okrem príjemného "arty" interiéru ma veľmi potešilo servírovanie čaju. Možnosť výberu medzi malým a veľkým, kde veľký znamená naozaj veľký a je iba o pár centov drahší, plus med a citrón k tomu. Áno, aj takéto maličkosti vedia potešiť :) Určite si prídu na svoje aj rodiny s deťmi, pretože kaviareň má v ponuke rôzne spoločenské hry.
Zaujímavosťou je, že tento skvelý priestor sa nachádza v bývalej budove transformátorovej stanice, ktorú postavili ešte v roku 1913. A preto by táto secesná architektonická budova pri prechádzke po Párovciach, nemala vášmu oku uniknúť.

Dolu zopár ukážkových záberov, ktoré som zhotovila pri svojej prvej návšteve:

streda 24. decembra 2014

Štedrý deň trochu inak

Kto by to bol povedal, že sa jedného dňa dožijeme Vianoc, kedy nám bude ručička na teplomeri ukazovať 12 stupňov. Štedrý deň trávim vždy doma v kruhu rodiny, rozprávok a jedla a nerobím vôbec nič (aké nevýdané všakže?:)), ale tento rok som bola akási neposedná a rozhodla som sa vybehnúť von. Myslím, že to boli slnečné lúče, čo ma ťahali z gauča  a ako inak, s foťákom v ruke:) Nezvyknem brať domov foťáky, ale Vianoce sú vhodnou príležitosťou na zvečnenie spomienok s blízkymi. Foťáky, ktorými momentálne disponujem sú originálne analógové kúsky SMENA 8M a CERTO SL110! Na analógu fičím už niečo cez rok a pol a áno, ešte stále ma to baví, lebo vyvolanie fotiek je vždy jedno velké prekvapko :)) Ale viac o tom niekedy nabudúce, myslím, že moja analógová séria si zaslúži separátny blog, a ideálne ak k tomu budem môct pribaliť aj nejaké ukážkové zábery:) Preto teraz len narýchlo zábery z phoneu, na ktoré netreba čakať, a ktoré som mala chuť sharenuť *.  Doma sa vyskytujem len občas a aj to nechodím von, takže o to viac sa teším tomuto záznamu:) Uvidíte skate park na Klokočine (myslím, že jediný v Nitre), hrad, rieku, Zobor a park. .......a máme tu toho ešte viac!

výhľad na Zobor zo sídliska Klokočina
 skate park Klokočina
 Nitriansky hrad
                                                                         park Sihoť
 rieka Nitra
 výhľad z hradu

A na záver prskavkový BONUS!

*blog updatnutý 18.1.2015-pridané fotky fotené so SMENA 8M (všetky obdĺžnikového tvaru resp. tie s ozubeným lemom)

piatok 5. decembra 2014

there is always sth left to see in Budapest

This blog is going to be in English. Hope you dont mind...
I like Budapest, I think I could go there anytime, just like that. I ve been there several times, but everytime with different people, that made it special. The best timing is summer for sure, but if you know where to go and what to do, it does not really matter. The last time I went there was now in December, when I decided to meet my Hungarian friend. Actually, we were not real friends, we met only once in Stockholm when I was doing small trip around Sweden. 
/Short story, we both were searching for a good company to party in our favorite city and we found each other via Couchsurfing site (the spirit of this community, oh yeah!:))). Unfortunately the party did not happen, but at least, we managed to grab some beer and introduce ourselves :D We kept in touch and organized sth in Budapest./
After reading Adrienn's profile on CS and meeting her, my trust to her "taste" was pretty high, so I had no doubt that we visit the best events that weekend in Budapest could offer. Even though the weather was shitty, we found a shelter in following spots:
/Sorry for the quality of the pictures taken with my poor phone. I will have a new one soon, so it gets better next time. Cant wait!/

 1. Szimpla. One of the best known ruin pub in Budapest. Dont go there if you dont want to meet tourists, however, it is worth to stop by and admire the interior design. If you want to experience it empty, go there in the afternoon hours and you can make, for example, Szimpla teaser like my masterpiece below :D


2. Room8. I would rather not to comment the people that were in the club that night, but the beats coming from Finish dj (producer, music director) were gooood, so we shacked our ass a bit! This is kinda new place, so I would give one more chance to see, which community will occupy this place. 

Roberto Rodriguez (Fi)

3. BEAT ON THE BRAT. Very cool and small pub with indie music on week-ends playlist where you can  meet Hungarian hipsters. Definitely wanna come back!

4. Kuplung. A nice chill out bar with concerts held. There are also some parties for sure, but you need to check it out, cause the concept of this place has not been clear to me yet. The reason why we went there was Scandinavian party organized by Nordic House Foundation where my friend is volunteer at. I need to admit that Im fanatic in Scandinavia, moreover Sweden, so I did not argue O:) Two highlights from this event: Norwegian girls and their project Smerz and the guy from Sweden, Henrik José.If you know some "strange" Scandinavian electronic sound, that is exactly what you can expect :)

Smerz (NO)
Henrik José (SE)

 5.LÄRM. An underground club with good electronic music located on the 1st floor of a big complex named Fogas Hás. It is one of the ruin bars with several rooms, so you can easily jump from one place to another and hear different sound! We went there to see American dj Boo Williams, but Jaffa Surfa was not bad either! Party hard till the morning hours, wasted like hell :)

Boo Williams (US)

The one good and handy thing these places have in common is that they are all  situated in the same neighbourhood, around Kazinczy and Király utca, in District VII., very well-known for the hipsters :)

The best what you can get into your stomach after the party is definitely a warm soup :) The one we took was from BorsGasztroBar, tiny bistro with international food suitable also for veggie clients. After the lunch you might wanna have a coffee, so I would recommend TelepGaleria or Konyha. If you are lucky like us, you hit up a flea market there. Nearby MyLittleMelbourne is also a good choice, they offer variety of chai latte that you can buy as a package, back home with you, as a souvenir :) And you can finish your food&drink tour at Italian bistro A presto with tasty pizza or pasta for affordable prices. 

Special thanks to Adrienn, for a nice company and for showing me these cool spots! 
Seen ya soon! ;)
photo taken by LOMO La Sardinia
